Kelas       : XI IPA 3

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Tujuan Pembelajaran  : Siswa mampu memahami pengertian serta tujuan Personal Letter (Surat Pribadi) agar dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Assalamualaikum wr.wr

Good morning and how are you today my lovely students? I hope we are all in good and wonderful condition wherever we are, aaminn ya Rabb. Baik, sebelumnya tak bosan-bosan Miss Tri mengingatkan kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid ya nak. Serta jangan lupa berdoa terlebih dahulu sebelum memulai pembelajaran agar diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran ya shalih dan shalihah. 

Well, ready to study now? I know it's too early, tapi tidak ada kata terlalu cepat untuk belajar bukan? 

Hari ini kita memasuki materi kita yang pertama pada semester ini, yakni tentang PERSONAL LETTER atau surat pribadi. What is Personal Letter? Silahkan simak dan pahami video di bawah ini, and DON'T SKIP the video because I will ask some questions related to the video. 

Belajarlah untuk disiplin dengan menyimak video pembelajaran hingga akhir karena Miss akan bertanya sejauh mana pemahaman kalian tentang materi yang ada di video tersebut.

Your answers/ comment on YouTube video will be your presence today (Jawaban/ komentar kalian pada Video YouTube Miss anggap sebagai kehadiran hari ini). Silahkan konfirmasi langsung bagi  yang berhalangan mengikuti pembelajaran daring ke Miss Tri

After that, if you have any question, jika kalian ada pertanyaan terkait materi yang dibahas atau apapun berkaitan dengan bahasa Inggris silahkan tanyakan langsung pada Miss Tri atau tingalkan pesan pada kolom komentar Blog atau Grup WhatsApp. 


  1. Nur Aini Ari Ongkana
    XI IPA 3
    The goal is to inform Suzan that Farah will visit Suzan's house on weekends and Farah congratulates Suzan for winning in the English speech competition

  2. Rakha kumara zaki
    XI IPA 3
    the purpose of farah`s personal inform is to congratulate suzan because she got first winner in english speech contest, and to give information that farah will visit her this weekend

  3. Anjelina Prila
    11 IPA 3

    to congratulate susan because susan got first winner in english speech contest in susan's city

  4. Vinna Vebriyanti
    XI 3
    Farah's goal in the letter is Congratulate Suzan , because Suzan has won the English speech reading competition.

  5. Name:Darma Putra Aditama
    Class:XI science 3
    Thank you miss🙏🏻, the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is "congratulation" for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  6. Vanesha Saraswati
    XI IPA 3

    The purpose of the letter that Farah wrote to Suzan was to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest

  7. Intan permata Sari
    XI IPA 3

    The purpose of the letter that Farah wrote to Suzan was to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest

    XI IPA 3

    Thank you miss the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is "congratulation" for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  9. Tharissa Nadia k
    XI IPA 3
    The purpose of the letter that Farah wrote to Suzan was to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest

  10. Dwi Adi Putra
    XI ipa3:
    the purpose of farah`s personal inform is to congratulate suzan because she got first winner in english speech contest, and to give information that farah will visit her this weekend

  11. Gusjiyanti Aries Tianno
    XI IPA 3
    the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  12. Cece tiara safitri
    XI IPA3

    thank you miss, the purpose of the letter that farah wrote to suzan was to congratulate suzan on winning first place in the english speech contest.

  13. Shela Safrina
    XI IPA 3

    Purpose Farah sent a letter to Suzan to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech competition, and said that he plans to visit Suzan this Sunday

  14. Dhea Amanda Putri
    XI IPA 3

    The purpose of Farah's letter is to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest in her city. And tells Suzan that Farah will visit her this weekend.

  15. Alyra Ayu Kinanti
    XI IPA 3
    The purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  16. Jovita yosepah
    XI IPA 3
    The purpose of the letter that Farah wrote to Suzan was to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest

  17. Mita Damayanti
    XI IPA 3

    the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  18. Nur fajri
    11 ipa 3

    The goal is to inform Suzan that Farah will visit Suzan's house on weekends and Farah congratulates Suzan for winning in the English speech competition

  19. M. Rezky Adytama
    XI IPA 3
    the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is to congratulate suzan because she has won an english speech contest in her city and she won first place, farah there wants to tell suzan that she will come to see her on the weekend

  20. Yosa Nabila
    11 Ipa 3

    Farah congratulated Susan for winning the English speech contest

  21. reza febriana
    11 ipa 3
    congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest

  22. Nadia istikomah
    XI IPA3

    the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

    *maaf miss pake akun cece soalnya akun saya eror

  23. Hadi cahyono
    11 ipa 5

    The purpose of Farah's letter is to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest in her city. And tells Suzan that Farah will visit her this weekend.

  24. Oky Nurhidayat
    XI ipa 5

    Farah's goal in the letter is Congratulate Suzan , because Suzan has won the English speech reading competition.

  25. Muhammad fajri
    XI IPA 5

    the purpose of the personal letter above is to congratulate and invite suzan to go this week

  26. Laura Zahara Aulia
    XI IPA 5

    The purpose of Fara's latter is to congratulate to Suzan for winning speech contest, and she'll come to see Suzan on the weekend

  27. Nabila Adzra Nafisa
    XI IPA 5
    the purpose of the personal letter for suzan from farah is to congratulate suzan for winning english speech contest in her city and to tell suzan that farah will visit her in this weekend.

  28. Avia Agnis Rini
    Xi science 5
    The purpose of Farah's letter is to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest in her city. And tells Suzan that Farah will visit her this weekend.

  29. Nadila rakha hadi w
    XI IPA 5

    The goal is to inform Suzan that Farah will visit Suzan's house on weekends and Farah congratulates Suzan for winning in the English speech competition

  30. Riski Rahmatullah
    XI Ipa 5

    the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is "congratulation" for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  31. M.vitto CHESTA adabi
    XI IPA 5
    The purpose of the letter that Farah wrote to Suzan was to congratulate Suzan on winning first place in the English speech contest

  32. Zalsa Riski Stefani
    XI IPA 5

    The purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  33. M Alwi adi kusuma
    XI IPA 5

    The goal is to inform Suzan that Farah will visit Suzan's house on weekends and Farah congratulates Suzan for winning in the English speech competition

  34. Afifah Nurintishar
    XI IPA 5

    The purpose is to congratulate Suzan and to inform Suzan that Farah will visit Suzan's house on weekends

  35. Rendi syaputra
    11 ipa 5

    the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  36. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  37. Trya Rahma Dani
    XI IPA 5

    The purpose is to congratulate Suzan on winning the speech competition, and Farah will visit Suzan's house On weekends

  38. Fadhiah Nurul Aini
    XI IPA 5
    the purpose of the letter farah is to congratulate suzan for winning in the english competition and hopes to meet her at the weekend.

  39. Novin sabrina
    Xi ipa 5

    the purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  40. Nafidz Revaldi Putrawan
    XI IPA 5

    the goal is to congratulate suzan,because she won the english speech compotition, and to tell that sarah want to visit suzan's house

  41. Yazid Zidan
    11 ipa 5

    The goal is to inform Suzan that Farah will visit Suzan's house on weekends and Farah congratulates Suzan for winning in the English speech competition

  42. Ananda jahrotun nakia
    Xl IPA 5
    The purpose of the personal letter sent by farah to suzan is congratulation for winning the speech contest in suzan's city

  43. Sukma arimaya aintias
    XI IPA 5

    The goal is to congratulate Suzan and tell that Farah will come to Suzan's house on weekends

  44. Nabila Miyaty Wulandary
    XI IPA 5
    The purpose of the text is Farah congratulates Suzan and informs that Farah will visit Suzan this weekend

  45. Fadel Zikri
    XI IPA 5

    The purpose of farah letter is congratulate suzan for winning the english speech Competition

  46. irma rahmanah
    XI IPA 5
    "farah congratulates suzan got the first winner in english speech contest in her city and she announced would visit her this week

  47. Salsabil
    XI ipa 5

    The purpose of the personal letter sent by farah is she congratulate to suzan because suzan on winning first place in the english speech competition

  48. Dzahabiya Wijaya
    XI IPA 5

    to congratulate susan because susan got first winner in english speech contest in susan's city

  49. Popy kurnia
    XI IPA 5

    The purpose of the personal letter sent by Sarah to Suzan is to give congratulations, tell good news, and notify activities to visit Suzan

  50. Bagus Mahesha Putra
    XI IPA 5

    The purpose of farah sending the letter was to congratulate Suzan for winning the English sepech competition and gave the news that she would visit suzan this weekend

  51. Anggraeni
    11 ipa 5

    congratulate to suzan because she winning the english speech in his city

  52. Dara mutia puri pramerta
    XI ipa 5
    thank you too miss, the meaning of the personal letter in the video sent by farah to suzan is "congratulations" for winning a speech contest in the city of suzan.

  53. M.Hafizh Risqullah
    thank you miss,the point is farah congratulate suzan because she win a speech competition in her city

  54. Akbar bachtiar
    XI IPA 5
    the purpose is farah congratulate suzan for winning a speech contest at her city

  55. muhammad rafi daffa k
    XI IPA 3
    purpose of the farah personal letter is to congratulate suzan because she has won an english speech contest in her city.

  56. Riko Fernando
    XI IPA 3
    The goal is to inform Suzan that Farah will visit Suzan's house on weekends and Farah congratulates Suzan for winning in the English speech competition

  57. Aditya Gumai
    XI IPA 3
    The purpose of Farah's private letter is to congratulate Suzan for winning the speech competition and to inform Susan that Farah Will visit her

  58. Sri Indah Lestari
    XI IPA 3

    to congratulate susan because susan got first winner in english speech contest in susan's city


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