Kelas        : XI IPA 2

Jam Ke    : 3 dan 4 (08:30-09:30)

Assalamualaikum wr.wr

Good morning and how are you today my lovely students? I hope we are all in good and wonderful condition wherever we are, aaminn. Well, it's been 2 weeks since you have long holiday, and now we have to back to our routine, study from home. Sebagaimana keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, kita masih diharuskan belajar dari rumah mengingat kondisi yang belum memungkinkan untuk kita bertatap muka dan belajar di sekolah. Namun jangan patah semangat apalagi mengeluh akan kondisi kita sekarang ya nak, because everything is going to be better. Mudah-mudahan bumi semakin membaik, virus ini segera hilang dan kita segera bertemu, aminn😇 

Baik, sebelumnya tak bosan-bosan Miss Tri mengingatkan kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid ya nak. 

Ready to start our activity today? InsyaAllah ready ya. Well in this meeting I will tell you our materials for this semester. Apa saja materi kita pada semester 2 ini? Let's check it out

💎Personal Letter (Surat Pribadi)

💎Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat)

💎Explanation Text (Teks Eksplanasi)

💎Song (Lagu)

Nah itu kira-kira poin yang akan kita pelajari di semester genap ini. Harapan Miss supaya anak-anak yang sudah baik di semester lalu tetap dipertahankan tetap rajin mengerjakan tugasnya dan untuk anak-anak yang memang kemarin terkendala satu dan lain hal untuk mengikuti pjj semoga di semester ini akan ada perubahan yang lebih baik ya.

As presence today, write your name and your wish on comment column. Sebagai absensi boleh kalian tuliskan di kolom komentar harapan kalian untuk tahun 2021 (?) Miss ingin baca satu persatu.


    XI IPA 2

    Wishnya semoga 2021 lebih baik lebih rajin lagi, trus ga males2an, dan semoga corona ilang trus tatap mukanya bener th ini amiiiinnnnn 10001x

    XI IPA 2
    Wishnya semoga 2021 lebih baik lebih rajin lagi, trus ga males2an, dan semoga corona ilang trus tatap mukanya bener th ini amiiin

  3. Mesi agustina
    11 IPA 2
    Wishnya semoga 2021 makin rajin terus corona ilang bisa sekolah tatap muka

  4. Jesy Disyah Putri
    XI IPA 2

    I hope in this 2021 everything will be back to normal and be better, no more pandemic, no more wearing masks when leaving the house, no more online school, and i hope i can be a better person in this year.

  5. Tia Irma Amanda
    XI IPA 2
    I hope that in 2021 we can be more diligent, the less lazy, the more diligent the Sunnah prayer and hopefully this pandemic will finish quickly so that you can go to school face-to-face and have activities. As usual.

  6. Rafly Kharismawan
    XI IPA 2
    I hope that this year is better than last year and that the pandemic will end

    1. Angelicasp
      I hope in this 2021 everything will be back to normal and be better, no more pandemic, no more wearing masks when leaving the house, no more online school, and i hope i can be a better person in this year.

  7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  8. Adin Adry
    XI IPA 2
    Harapan saya di tahun 2021 adalah saya bisa menjadi lebih baik dibanding tahun yg sebelumnya.

  9. Dimas putra A
    I hope this pandemic will subside and we can all go back to studying as usual in school

  10. Rulistia amanda
    XI IPA 2
    I hope that we are all healthy and kept away from the corona virus, I hope this pandemic ends and I hope I can become a better person

  11. Azzahra Haya Aqila
    XI IPA 2
    I hope that in 2021 everything goes properly, schools can meet face to face, and hopefully this epidemic will end quickly,

  12. Wine Aprillia
    XI IPA 2
    I hope this year the pandemic will end and return to school normally

  13. Resti Mardiana Putri
    XI IPA 2

    I hope in this 2021 everything will be back to normal and be better,no more pandemic, no more online school, and I hope i can be a better person in year.

  14. Danang sg
    XI IPA 2
    I hope that we are all healthy and kept away from the corona virus, I hope this pandemic ends and I hope I can become a better person

  15. Alvin Honara
    XI IPA 2
    Hopefully in 2021 this will be the year when the Covid 19 virus disappears and returns to normal

  16. Santri Annisa Putri
    XI IPA 2

    I hope that in 2021 we can be even more diligent than before and I hope this pandemic will end quickly

  17. Astrid Putri B
    XI ipa 2

    I hope that by 2021 we can get a satisfactory score, the corona will disappear, and we can return to normal activities

  18. Annisa Khoiriah
    XI IPA 2

    I hope that in 2021 it can be better, more diligent, and not delaying work, and hopefully the corona will disappear quickly so that I can study face-to-face.

  19. Annisa Adelia
    XI IPA 2
    I hope this pandemic will end soon and I can study with friends at school as usual.

  20. Tresnawan
    XI IPA 2
    i hope this year, pandemic will end, the situations back to normal , and i can do better this year.

  21. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  22. Rahma Aulia Rahman
    XI IPA 2
    I hope 2021 goes back to normal, I can go to school as usual and meet my friends

  23. Novian Wibowo
    XI IPA 2

    Hopefully this pandemic will end soon and we can all return to our normal studies at school

  24. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  25. Dewi Rahmawati
    XI IPA 2
    I hope this pandemic will ends soon and all that is desired is come true

  26. M.Raffi Rizky Afridho
    XI IPA2
    I hope this year wil be a better year, and no more corona again

  27. Muhammad Dwi Maryan P
    XI IPA 2
    In 2021, i want to learn face to face

  28. Muhammad Nadhif Nanditama
    XI IPA 2

    I hope in 2021 i can glow up

  29. Feby Zahara
    XI IPA 2

    I hope that in 2021 my worship will increase, and can achieve all my dreams.

    Prayers for you, I hope all friends can achieve their dreams, success in this world and the hereafter. Do all activities because of Allah. #Stay connected with God, yaa! anywhere, anytime

  30. siti nur arifah
    xi ipa 2
    i wish 2021 gonna be better and happier. Although 2020 went worst and can go back to offline school

  31. Vivin Vania
    XI IPA 2
    I hope the world will quickly return to normal, I don't lose anyone, my morals and faith will be better and many more hopes this year that one by one it can be realized aamiin

  32. Aliyaa Rahmani Ardian
    XI IPA 2
    I hope in this year we're always healthy and i hope this pandemic will be over,coronavirus gone,and i hope i could be more productive and dilligent

  33. Nisa Izumi N
    XI IPA 2

    I hope this year will be better than the previous year and this pandemic will be over very soon, And I want to be a better person to myself and at least be more diligent about studying online this year

  34. Rifki Fadhel Al Kahfi
    XI IPA 2
    I hope in this year we're always healthy and i hope this pandemic will be over,coronavirus gone,and i hope i could be more productive and dilligent

  35. Shandy franata
    Xi ipa 2

    I hope in this 2021 everything will be back to normal and be better, no more pandemic, no more wearing masks when leaving the house, no more online school, and i hope i can be a better person in this year.


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