Kelas : X IPS 3
Assalamualaikum wr.wr
Good morning and how are you today my lovely students? I hope we are all in good and wonderful condition wherever we are, aaminn. Well, it's been 2 weeks since you have long holiday, and now we have to back to our routine, study from home. Sebagaimana keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, kita masih diharuskan belajar dari rumah mengingat kondisi yang belum memungkinkan untuk kita bertatap muka dan belajar di sekolah. Namun jangan patah semangat apalagi mengeluh akan kondisi kita sekarang ya nak, because everything is going to be better. Mudah-mudahan bumi semakin membaik, virus ini segera hilang dan kita segera bertemu, aminn😇
Baik, sebelumnya tak bosan-bosan Miss Tri menghimbau kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid ya nak.
Ready to start our activity today? InsyaAllah ready ya. Well in this meeting I will tell you our materials for this semester. Apa saja materi kita pada semester 2 ini? Let's check it out
💎Simple Past Tense (Menerangkan kejadian yang telah berlalu)
💎Recount Text (Teks Recount)
💎Narrative Text (Teks Naratif)
💎Song (Lagu)
Nah itu kira-kira poin yang akan kita pelajari di semester genap ini. Harapan Miss supaya anak-anak yang sudah baik di semester lalu tetap dipertahankan tetap rajin mengerjakan tugasnya dan untuk anak-anak yang memang kemarin terkendala satu dan lain hal untuk mengikuti pjj semoga di semester ini akan ada perubahan yang lebih baik ya.
As presence today, write your name and your wish on comment column. Sebagai absensi boleh kalian tuliskan di kolom komentar harapan kalian untuk tahun 2021 (?) Miss ingin baca satu persatu.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusGalih Egi Sandi
BalasHapusX IPA 1
Harapan semonga virus covid 19 cepet ber akhir
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAssalammu'alaikum wr.wb
BalasHapusNama: Dwi Alvina Damayanti
Kelas: X IPA 1
"May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements, and a lot of new inspirations on your life."
"Wishing every day of the new year to be filled with success, happiness, and prosperity for you. Happy New Year."
Tiara intan
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I wish this year can be better than last year. And we can back to school
Dina Nurmala Hayati
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I really hope this year I hope that the corona virus will slowly disappear and all bad events in 2020 will not happen again in 2021
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BalasHapusNelly Ariefiani Lako
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope that things will get better than before, and that my laziness will soon disappear so that I can study harder and we are all always healthy, aamiin.
Regina chanda veronica
BalasHapusX ipa 1
hopefully this year it will be better than the previous year
Alya anugrah ningtyas
BalasHapusX ipa 3
i hope we can back to school
Raisa khairunnisa ghassani
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I wish the pandemic is fast over
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusRieke Naurah Kayana
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope in 2021 can be the better year and we’ll all be in a good health amin
Jeani Dwi Aulia
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope this year can be better than the previous year
Nabila Putri Selina
BalasHapusX IPA 3
i hope i can be a better person
Bunga Sri Wulandari
BalasHapusX IPA 3
My hope is that in 2021 this virus outbreak will soon disappear on the face of the earth, so that we can return to school as before
Nama:Bagus Anggoro Putra
BalasHapusKelas:X IPS 3
I hope that this year Covid 19 passes and lives life as usual
Nama:Najwa Dian Azzahra
BalasHapusKelas: X IPA 3
My hope is in 2021. Hopefully the Covid 19 virus will end quickly, be more diligent in studying even at home, doing worship is always on time.
Nama:Fadhlan Satria Ahmad
BalasHapusKelas:X IPS 3
I hope that in 2021 Covid 19 in the city of Lampung will quickly subside so that we can go to school interfaces at al Azhar 3 high school
Nama:Damara Khadafi
BalasHapusKelas : X IPS 3
I hope this year will be better than the previous year, and hopefully the activities that are blocked can proceed as usual
Mutia Az Zahra
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope this 2021 makes me feel better, and I hope to covid-19 disappear soon
Nama:Rival Syaputra
BalasHapusKelas:X IPS 3
I hope that this year Covid 19 will soon pass and carry out activities as usual
Nama : Ulya Chairun Nissa
BalasHapusKelas : X IPA 1
I hope that in 2021 it will be easier to understand all the material from each lesson even though it is still an online school, hopefully the corona will disappear soon so that you can go to school offline.
Dayyan Nasywa Salsabila
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope this year the covid-19 will soon be gone from this earth and I could go back to school.
Nama: Shofiyyah nur aziza
BalasHapusKelas: X IPA 1
I hope that covid 19 will disappear soon and can study at school
Ammara Dara Aisyah.
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope this pandemic would be over soon and things back to normal
Noviya Putri
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope that in 2021 the corona virus will end soon, so that we can carry out activities as usual
Jihan nayla mazidah
BalasHapusX IPS 3
Iqbal agung anugrah
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I want the pandemic to end soon
M. Ibram Rasyadanny
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope this year can be better than the previous year
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusFarhatul ummi
BalasHapusX ips 3
I hope that in 2021, Covid-19 will disappear soon because I want to go back to school as usual I really want to go offline again because during this time online I find it difficult to understand lessons:)
Luthfia rahmawati
BalasHapusX ipa 1
I hope everyone stays healthy
Aisyah Maharani
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope that the corona virus will quickly disappear from the world and return to normal activities
Fikri Rival Hakim
BalasHapusX ips 3
- hope the Covid 19 virus will pass quickly and school as usual
M.azmi Zakya Yusuf
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope that this year Covid 19 passes and lives life as usual
Agung Restu Wibowo
BalasHapusX IPS 3
-I hope that Covid 19 will quickly disappear and can return to normal activities
M Rizky Dodik Kuncoro
BalasHapusX IPS 3
Rizkia Nindi Defrilia
BalasHapusX IPS 3
Eka citra yulianti
BalasHapusx IPS 3
I hope the virus will disappear soon and I can go to school again
I hope that this year Covid 19 will pass and improve so that I can carry out activities as usual
BalasHapusM Rizky Dodik Kuncoro
Eka citra yulianti
BalasHapusx IPS 3
I hope the virus will disappear soon and I can go to school again
nisrina amalia putri X IPA 1
BalasHapus` i hope this year covid 19 ends, and i can go back to school
Afrizal anwar
BalasHapusX IPS 3
May this year i can be more be a better person and i hope covid 19 will disappear
Kharisma Mustika Sari
BalasHapusX IPA 3
my hope this year is that I can understand all subjects so that I can get good grades, and can burn my parents
citra rahmadani
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this year can be better, I can quickly enter school, I hope this pandemic will end soon, and I want to glow up
Cantika Laras
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope that I will be a better person, more eager to achieve the desired goals
Intan Marlida
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope this year can be better than last year. And we can back to school
Selvi Varadila
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope this pandemic would be over soon and things back to normal
Maulana Toha Fauzi
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I hope the pandemic ends soon
Hervina sari
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope that in 2021, my family and I can be surrounded with as much aamiin happiness as possible
Nama:Putri oktavia
BalasHapusKelas : X IPA 3
I hope this year will be full of positive things for all of us. corona virus disappeared and I can go to school again :)
Ahmat Andfi Firmansyah
BalasHapusx IPA 3
I hope the pandemic ends soon and returns to school
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapuszahwa natasya hamzah
BalasHapusX IPA 1
i hope this year can be better than the previous year and hopefully this pandemic will end soon
BalasHapusSultan Aznam Hossen
-I hope that Covid 19 will quickly disappear and can return to normal activities
Jihan nayla mazidah
BalasHapusX IPS 3
"By having a hope, we will be more enthusiastic in living life and remain strong and never give up through all the trials that exist.
As we know, what we get is sometimes not what we want, therefore the hope that continues to grow will keep us from feeling hopeless.
Indeed that is life, like a spinning wheel, there are times when we are in the top position and there are times when we are in the bottom position.
It all depends on us how to respond, will stop hoping or continue to hope and fight for life.
To give you an encouragement in living life."
M.Dzaki Hirzi
BalasHapusX IPS 3
I wish I can do better in this years hopefully world would be nice to mankind
Mareta Agnesa Riama
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this year will be better than last year and can continue to do positive things, the more enthusiasm for learning and hopefully we can learn at school aminn:)
Indi Ananda Nazwa
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this year to be better and we can back to school
afiya raihana
BalasHapusX IPA 1
i hope this year is much better than the previous year, and all good wishes will soon be fulfilled
Zyea sabita salma
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope that 2021 is better than the previous year, this pandemic can end soon, and my dreams can come true in 2021
nadia widi a
BalasHapusX IPA 1
i hope is that 2021 will be a better year than the previous year and hopefully the covid 19 virus will quickly subside so we can learn face-to-face.
Yodha wiryawan
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope that Covid 19 ends and I can study again at school
firza ariandini
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope that in 2021 we will be better than before and that this pandemic will end soon.
Ahmad Duta Prima Pahlevi
BalasHapusX IPA 1
May the 12 months of 2021 be filled with achievements and eternal happiness for all of us.
Fitria Nuraini
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this year can be even better and Covid-19 ends soon so we can go back to school
Chesta arya agil saputra
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope and pray to Allah that the covid virus starts to subside and can go to school to study at school because we hope in Allah not in the year.
Rafiq Labib
BalasHapusX IPA 1
i hope that this pandemic end soon , and i hope i can do a lot better in 2021.
Adila via bangsawan
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this year brings happiness, peace and Covid to an end soon
Mutiara Khairunnisa
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this year will be better than before. Then, the pandemic can end, so I can study at school and meet my friends and teachers too.
Chitra Pinasvita Maharani
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope that in 2021 I will be able to enter school as usual, I hope that my 17 year old will be better, I hope my diet will run smoothly
BalasHapusX IPA 3
i hope this year brings happy, and good luck always
Sanes Nata Negara
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope that in 2021 the Corona virus will disappear so that all students can return to school, and hopefully there will be lots of inspiration in my life
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusFarrel eka sampurna
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope coronavirus will disappear and we can study as usual
rizky novitha ayu wardani
BalasHapusX IPA 1
My hope is in 2021 that the corona virus will disappear soon and enter school as usual
Alifa diva yusmutia
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope this year can be even better and the Corona virus can disappear
Tiur Aulia Madhany
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope in 2021 corona will soon be gone and attend school quickly, and may my dreams be fulfilled as well
Ricwan Saputra
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope in 2021 be back to school
Ayu undari
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope is that in 2021, the corona virus will quickly disappear and we can meet soon
Fajar dimas ramadhan
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope that Covid 19 is over so we can go to school as usual
Yunita Sari
BalasHapusX Ipa 3
I hope this year I can go back to school as usual, hopefully this year everything will go smoothly and I will be more successful in the future.
Sisilia ratu intana
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this year can be better and enter school as usual
aldi nazari
BalasHapusX ipa 1
I hope that I will be a better person, more eager to achieve the desired goals
Nova Aprilia
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope this pandemic ends quickly so I can study at school
Naya Farikhah
BalasHapusX ipa 3
I hope this year is to be a very grateful person again
Azka Lulu Fatikah
BalasHapusX IPA 3
i hope i can be a better person
Novela Tri Wulandari
BalasHapusX IPA
i hope i can be a better person
Zahra choirunnisa
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope this year is better than the previous year I hope it can be better this year and hopefully everything will return to normal and we can go to school as usual, that's all my hope this year
Syahrialdi Rachim Akbar
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope this year will be better than the previous year
Nabila Nurlistanti
BalasHapusX IPA 3
i wish on this year, i could be a better person than last year, and my family could be stay healty.
Nama: Nanda Gholamul Faizi
BalasHapusKelas : X IPA 3
I hope the pandemic ends and I can go back to school
Gita kurnia
BalasHapusX ipa 3
I hope that things will get better than before, and that my laziness will soon disappear so that I can study harder and we are all always healthy, aamiin.
Davina Aurelia Syarif
BalasHapusX IPA 1
I hope happiness and good things always come to me in 2021,corona virus ends,and this year will be better more than the previous year.
M Ifris Putra L
BalasHapusX IPA 3
i hope this year can be better than the previous year, and i hope this pandemic Will be end
Haikal rasya
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I wish in this 2021 everything will be back to normal and be better, no more pandemic, no more online school, i hope i can be a better individual in this year, and all the best wishes for this year.
Yeni sri mulyani
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope that this year the plague that is being experienced by the Indonesian people will quickly end and we will return to normal activities
M annur alghifari.y
BalasHapusX ips 3
semago in 2021 corona lost and everyone can move as usual
Ammar faishal
BalasHapusX ipa 3
I hope in 2021 corona well soon be go
Farrel eka sampurna
BalasHapusX IPA 3
I hope in this year i can play volleyball everyday and i hope covid 19 will gone so i can go to school again