Kelas : XI IPA 1
Good morning and how are you today my lovely students? I hope we are all in good and wonderful condition wherever we are, aaminn. Well, it's been 2 weeks since you have long holiday, and now we have to back to our routine, study from home. Sebagaimana keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, kita masih diharuskan belajar dari rumah mengingat kondisi yang belum memungkinkan untuk kita bertatap muka dan belajar di sekolah. Namun jangan patah semangat apalagi mengeluh akan kondisi kita sekarang ya nak, because everything is going to be better. Mudah-mudahan bumi semakin membaik, virus ini segera hilang dan kita segera bertemu, aminn😇
Baik, sebelumnya tak bosan-bosan Miss Tri mengingatkan kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid ya nak.
Ready to start our activity today? InsyaAllah ready ya. Well in this meeting I will tell you our materials for this semester. Apa saja materi kita pada semester 2 ini? Let's check it out
💎Personal Letter (Surat Pribadi)
💎Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat)
💎Explanation Text (Teks Eksplanasi)
💎Song (Lagu)
Nah itu kira-kira poin yang akan kita pelajari di semester genap ini. Harapan Miss supaya anak-anak yang sudah baik di semester lalu tetap dipertahankan tetap rajin mengerjakan tugasnya dan untuk anak-anak yang memang kemarin terkendala satu dan lain hal untuk mengikuti pjj semoga di semester ini akan ada perubahan yang lebih baik ya.
As presence today, write your name and your wish on comment column. Sebagai absensi boleh kalian tuliskan di kolom komentar harapan kalian untuk tahun 2021 (?) Miss ingin baca satu persatu.
Farhan Wira Muafa
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope this year can be better than the previous year and can be a better person and can be proud of parents
Feni fadila
BalasHapusI wish I could have a small business
Salwaa Fathimah Batubara
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Harapan saya di tahun ini lebih baik di tahun 2020 dan mudah-mudahan covid 19 sudah hilang dan bisa masuk sekolah lagi :). My hope is that this year will be better in 2020 and hopefully Covid 19 has disappeared and can go to school again :)
Yunitri Utami
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Harapan Yuni semoga menjadi lebih baik lagi kedepannya, ditingkatkan lagi belajar nya nilainya juga, virus corona cepat hilang dan bisa belajar di sekolah lagi.
Nadia Ika Sherly
BalasHapusI hope that this year the pandemic will end and I hope that what was not achieved last year will be achieved this year
Ghaitsa Camelia Agusti
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
my wish for 2021; i want to achieve sort of my goals that i've list. i want to be productive. i want my acc on instagram become useful and i can spread knowledge for each other. i want to do more things that i loved to. i want to know how to manage money and make it grow. and lastly, i want to fix my past grade.
Cahya media kusuma
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope this year will be better than the previous year
Bimo Wira Pangestu
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I wish i have a lot of money
M. Raffi Evendi
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Harapan saya di tahun 2021 ini Semoga saya menjadi semakin giat dan tidak malas-malasan serta selalu diberikan kesehatan Lahir dan Batin untuk kita semua. tak lupa pula Rezeki orang tua selalu dilimpahkan , dan semoga virus COVID-19 hilang
Moudy Naqia Qatrunnada h
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
My hope is that this year I hope that I will always be happy, a healthy family, always Covid 19, disappear from this world
Ashila putri
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
to be better than before
Vina Destiana R
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope this year will be better than the previous year, and the Covid 19 pandemic will end soon.
Indah Mutia Sari
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
My hope in 2021 is to be even more enthusiastic in learning, hopefully it will always be facilitated in everything, can love yourself more, and hopefully become a better person.
Rahma anisa
BalasHapusXI Ipa 1
I hope good luck in achieving goals, happiness,peace and getting better
Ula Azizah fadiyah
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope this pandemic ends, be better than last year and quickly meet up with friends.
Riska Jani Pasya
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
May this New Year bring you a lot of joy and fun. May you find peace, love, and success
Tegar Praditha Erdiana
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
May this year bring you new happiness, new goals, new achievements and many new inspiration in your life. May your whole year be filled with happiness
Alga Randy Pratama
BalasHapus11 IPA 1
Harapan saya di tahun ini adalah saya ingin menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi, rajin ibadanya. Kemudian saya ingin lebih meningkatkan lagi dalam belajar dan prestasi dari semester kemarin serta memperoleh nilai terbaik dalam ujian. Dan satu lagi saya ingin menyelesaikan hapalan Tahfiz di Juz 30 tahun ini. Semoga Pandemi ini segera berakhir supaya kita bisa bertatap muka langsung. Aamiinnn.
My hope this year is that I want to become a better person, be diligent in his worship. Then I wanted to further improve my studies and achievements from the last semester and get the best score on the exam. And one more thing I want to finish memorizing Tahfiz at Juz 30 this year. Hopefully this Pandemic will end soon so we can meet face to face. Aamiinnn.
Aditya Mulia Saputra
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Harapan saya di tahun ini , semoga tahun ini menjadi tahun yg lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya, virus corona cepat berakhir agar bisa belajar di sekolah lagi
Resa gifia maulina
BalasHapusXI ipa 1
I hope this year I will become a better person, more grateful, the glow up and this pandemic will quickly end
Dimas Prabaswar
BalasHapusXI IPA1
harapan saya di 2021 semoga corona cepat berakhir
Rosa rizki ramadani
BalasHapusXI ipa 1
I hope good luck in achieving goals, happiness,peace and getting better
Dewi Nurhaliza
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
i hope i can do well on the exam
Nina Rendika Maharani
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope i can be a better person
sepnando Pratama
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope this year will be better than the previous year and the Covid 19 pandemic will end soon
Antika Agustiawati
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
My hope is that this year will be better in 2020 and hopefully Covid 19 has disappeared and can go to school again.
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
harapan saya ditahun baru ini ,semoga covid 19 cepet berakhir dan bisa bljr dgn ofline /tatap muka disekolah.
dan smakin giat belajar
Muhammad akbar
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope this year covid 19 pandemic will quickly end
Novaldo Fikas Harmaengga
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
I hope this year will be better than 2020
Andina putri
BalasHapusXI ipa 1
I hope this year is always happy and can learn the songs face to face
ridho yeremia
BalasHapus11 IPA 1
I hope this year can be better than the previous year and can be a better person and can be proud of parents