Kelas        : X IPS 1

Assalamualaikum wr.wr

Good morning and how are you today my lovely students? I hope we are all in good and wonderful condition wherever we are, aaminn. Well, it's been 2 weeks since you have long holiday, and now we have to back to our routine, study from home. Sebagaimana keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, kita masih diharuskan belajar dari rumah mengingat kondisi yang belum memungkinkan untuk kita bertatap muka dan belajar di sekolah. Namun jangan patah semangat apalagi mengeluh akan kondisi kita sekarang ya nak, because everything is going to be better. Mudah-mudahan bumi semakin membaik, virus ini segera hilang dan kita segera bertemu, aminn😇 

Baik, sebelumnya tak bosan-bosan Miss Tri menghimbau kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid ya nak. 

Ready to start our activity today? InsyaAllah ready ya. Well in this meeting I will tell you our materials for this semester. Apa saja materi kita pada semester 2 ini? Let's check it out

💎Simple Past Tense (Menerangkan kejadian yang telah berlalu) 

💎Recount Text (Teks Recount)

💎Narrative Text (Teks Naratif)

💎Song (Lagu)

Nah itu kira-kira poin yang akan kita pelajari di semester genap ini. Harapan Miss supaya anak-anak yang sudah baik di semester lalu tetap dipertahankan tetap rajin mengerjakan tugasnya dan untuk anak-anak yang memang kemarin terkendala satu dan lain hal untuk mengikuti pjj semoga di semester ini akan ada perubahan yang lebih baik ya.

As presence today, write your name and your wish on comment column. Sebagai absensi boleh kalian tuliskan di kolom komentar harapan kalian untuk tahun 2021 (?) Miss ingin baca satu persatu.


  1. Aisyah Nur Jannah
    X IPS 1

    i hope this year, pandemic will end, the situations back to normal, and i can do better this year.

  2. friza aqif arafi (x ips 1)
    I hope your life will be full of surprises and joy in the new year which is about to begin. May you be blessed with everything you want in life

  3. Nur Yasmin Azzahra

    I hope that this year I can become a better person, and I hope that good things will always come to me

  4. M.ilham s
    X ips 1

    I wish we have a COVID vaccine ready and being distributed to all countries.

  5. Achmad Nugraha Ramadhani
    X IPS 1

    I hope the situation back to normal on this year. I hope i can do more better on this year insyaallah

  6. Shanaya Aulia Irvan
    X IPS 1

    i hope this year i can be productive human, and i hope the Corona virus get out from the earth, and then, i hope this year, we can study at school, aamiin

  7. Dimas Farevi Abdullah
    X IPS 1

    I hope this year will be even better

  8. Sihab wildan
    X IPS 1

    I hope this pandemic ends quickly and we can all learn face-to-face together at school.

  9. Yolanda Febri Mulia putri
    X IPS 1
    i hope this year i don't feel lonely , always be happy and my anxienty disorder healed

    X IPS 1
    I hope this year will be an even better year and that the covid 19 pandemic will soon pass

  11. Annisa Dwi Handayani
    X IPS 1

    My hope in semester 2 is that I can improve my grades from semester 1, online school will be eliminated and everything will be better than before.

  12. Saddad Musyarof
    X IPS 1
    I hope this pandemic quick End

  13. Bintang Anugrah X IPS 1
    I hope that in 2021 the pandemic will end soon so we can go back to school

  14. Saddad Musyarof
    X IPS 1
    I hope this pandemic quick End

  15. M Ziddan Asshuffi
    X IPS 1

    I hope this year pandemic will end

  16. Nama:Galang Bayu Aji
    Kelas:X IPS 1

    i hope Hopefully we will be better in the future, hopefully this pandemic will end quickly

  17. Muhammad Afgan shaq
    X IPS 1

    I hope that this year the corona pandemic can disappear and all activities can run normally as before

  18. Mayang Duwi Lestari
    X IPS 1
    I hope this year is better, and that the pandemic ends soon so that life can return to normal

  19. Cut Yusi Ratu Aulia
    X IPS 1

    I hope this year I can become a better person and I hope this pandemic can end soon

  20. Balasan
    1. My hope is that Covid 19 will disappear and study hard

  21. Nama:Galang Bayu Aji
    Kelas:X IPS 1

    Hopefully we will be better in the future, hopefully this pandemic will end quickly

  22. Andrean Prayoga
    X ips 1

    i hope the situation back to normal

  23. Kurniawan Sidiq
    X IPS 1

    I hope this pandemic will end quickly and I can return to face-to-face school as usual


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