Kelas       : X IPS 3

                     X IPA 1

                     X IPA 3

Tujuan Pembelajaran  : Siswa mampu memahami perbedaan antara penggunaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense

Assalamualaikum wr.wr

Good morning and how are you today my lovely students? I hope we are all in good and wonderful condition wherever we are, aaminn ya Rabb. Baik, sebelumnya tak bosan-bosan Miss Tri mengingatkan kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid ya nak. Serta jangan lupa berdoa terlebih dahulu sebelum memulai pembelajaran agar diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran ya shalih dan shalihah. 

Well, ready to study now? I know it's too early, tapi tidak ada kata terlalu cepat untuk belajar bukan? Hari ini kita memasuki materi kita yang pertama pada semester ini, yakni tentang PAST ACTIONS atau kejadian yang telah berlalu

What is Past Action? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut silahkan simak dan pahami video di bawah ini, and DON'T SKIP the video because I will ask some questions related to the video. Belajar untuk disiplin dengan menonton video pembelajaran hingga akhir karena Miss akan bertanya sejauh mana pemahaman kalian tentang materi yang ada di video tersebut di Grup WhatsApp. (You can also open your book on page 99)

Your answers in Group Chat will be your presence today (Jawaban dan keaktifan kalian pada Grup Chat WhatsApp Miss anggap sebagai absensi hari ini). Silahkan konfirmasi langsung bagi  yang berhalangan mengikuti pembelajaran daring ke Miss Tri

After that, if you have any question, jika kalian ada pertanyaan terkait materi yang dibahas atau apapun berkaitan dengan bahasa Inggris silahkan tanyakan langsung pada Miss Tri atau tingalkan pesan pada kolom komentar Blog atau Grup WhatsApp. 


  1. Assalammu'alaikum wr. Wb
    Nama: Dwi Alvina Damayanti
    Kelas: X IPA 1

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. Tiara intan
    X IPA 3

    Kalimat nomor 1 dan 4 adalah simple past tense
    Kalimat nomor 2 , 3 , dan 5 adalah present perfect tense

  4. Balasan
    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Mutia Az Zahra
      X IPS 3
      •She sat on that chair last night
      Simple past tense
      •I have studied english
      Present perfect tense
      •I have read the news about adam air
      Present perfect tense
      •Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday
      Simple past tense
      •She has called him for 5 times
      Present perfect tense

  5. Raisa khairunnisa ghassani
    X IPS 3

    1. Raisa khairunnisa ghassani
      X IPS 3

      1. Simple past tense
      2. Present perfect tense
      3. Present perfect tense
      4. Simple past tense
      5. Present perfect tense

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  8. Nama : Zyea sabita salma
    Kelas : X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse
    1. She sat on that chair last night
    4. Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense
    2. I have studied English
    3. I have read the news about Adam Air
    5. She has called him for 5 times

  9. Rafiq Labib
    X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse :
    - She sat on that chair last night
    - Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    - I have studied English
    - I have read the news about Adam Air
    - She has called him for 5 times

  10. Nama : Ulya Chairun Nissa
    Kelas : X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse :
    - She sat on that chair last night
    - Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    - I have studied English
    - I have read the news about Adam Air
    - She has called him for 5 times

  11. M.azmi zakya Yusuf
    X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse.
    ~ She sat on that chair last night
    ~ Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense.
    ~ I have studied English
    ~ I have read the news about Adam Air
    ~ She has called him for 5 times

  12. Galih Egi sandi
    X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse :
    - She sat on that chair last night
    - Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    - I have studied English
    - I have read the news about Adam Air
    - She has called him for 5 times

  13. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  14. Sultan Aznam Hossen
    X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse :
    • She sat on that chair last night
    • Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    • I have studied English
    • I have read the news about Adam Air
    • She has called him for 5 times

  15. Mareta Agnesa Riama
    X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse
    *She sat on that chair last night
    *Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense
    *I have studied English
    *I have read the news about Adam Air
    *She has called him for 5 times

  16. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  17. Regina chanda veronica
    X IPA 1

    #Simple past tanse
    -She sat on that chair last night
    -Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    #Prasent perfect tense
    -I have studied English
    -I have read the news about Adam Air
    -She has called him for 5 times

  18. afiya raihana
    X IPA 1

    simple past tanse :
    - she sat on that chair last night
    - renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    prasent perfect tense :
    - i have studied English
    - i have read the news about Adam Air
    - she has called him for 5 times

  19. Nova Aprilia
    X IPA 1

    •Simple past tanse
    1. She sat on that chair last night
    2. Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    •Prasent perfect tense
    1. I have studied English
    2. I have read the news about Adam Air
    3. She has called him for 5 times

  20. Yunita Sari
    X Ipa 3

    Simple past tanse:
    ~She sat on that chair last night
    ~Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense:
    ~I have studied English
    ~I have read the news about Adam Air
    ~She has called him for 5 times

  21. M Rangga Adi Darmansah
    X IPA 1

    Simple past tanse :
    - She sat on that chair last night
    - Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    - I have studied English
    - I have read the news about Adam Air
    - She has called him for 5 times

  22. Simple past tense
    * she sat on that chair last night
    * Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    present perfect tense
    * i have studied English
    * i have read the news about adam air
    * she has called him for 5 times

  23. Zahra choirunnisa
    X IPA 3

    •Simple past tanse
    1. She sat on that chair last night
    2. Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    •Prasent perfect tense
    1. I have studied English
    2. I have read the news about Adam Air
    3. She has called him for 5 times

  24. Nabila Nurlistanti
    X IPA 3

    Simple pas tense
    1. She sat on the chair last night
    2. Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Present perfect tense
    1. I have studied English
    2. I have read the news about Adam air
    3. She has calles him for 5 times

  25. Azka lulu fatikah
    X ipa 3

    Simple past tanse :
    - She sat on that chair last night
    - Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    - I have studied English
    - I have read the news about Adam Air
    - She has called him for 5 times

  26. Fajar dimas ramadhan
    X IPA 3

    Simple past tanse :
    - She sat on that chair last night
    - Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    - I have studied English
    - I have read the news about Adam Air
    - She has called him for 5 times

  27. Gita kurnia
    X ipa 3

    Simple past tanse :
    - She sat on that chair last night
    - Renata wore a beautiful dress yesterday

    Prasent perfect tense :
    - I have studied English
    - I have read the news about Adam Air
    - She has called him for 5 times


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