Kelas : XI IPA 1 (Jam Ke 7 dan 8)
Kompetensi Dasar : Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
Tujuan : Diharapkan setelah melihat beberapa contoh Formal Invitation berikut, siswa semakin faham materi Formal Invitation
Assalamualaikum anak-anak hebat nan Shalih Shalihah. Apa kabar hari ini? Semoga senantiasa sehat dan semangat selalu aaminn. Tak bosan-bosan sebelum belajar Miss Tri ingatkan untuk berdoa sebelum belajar dan selalu tunaikan ibadah fardhu dan sunnahnyaa ya.
So, are you ready for Online English Learning today? Masih pada semangat kan? Nah Miss Tri ada kata mutiara yang semoga bisa membangitkan semangat belajar kalian.
1. Students Organisation
OSIS SMA NEGERI 3 AL AZHAR Way Halim, Bandar Lampung Magetan, June 20th 2019 No.
: 10/OSIS/SMA 1/VI /2020 To: Assalamualaikum Wr.
Wb Due to the many
that need to be addressed regarding the work program OSIS 2019/2020 period,
then we hereby invite you to be present at : Day/Date
: Saturday/June 22, 2020 Time
: 09.00 – end Venue
: Hall School Event
: Meeting OSIS Thus the invitation
we can convey, thank you for your attention. Chairman of OSIS, Kharil Anwar |
2. Company Meeting
Meeting |
14th October
: IV/III/IX/October/2020 Dear . Dear Sirs , Day/Date
: Sunday/19th October, 2020 Time
: 09.00 – end Place
: Best Aston Hall We hope Mr./Mrs.
can attend the event above. Thus we make this
invitation letter, for your time and attention, we say many thanks. Principal PT. Kupas
Tuntas Deni Wicaksono |
3. Wedding Invitation
Wedding Invitation |
WEDDING INVITATION Tiara Putri Andini By requesting mercy and blessings God Day: Friday Batu Raden Street No. 110 The wedding ceremony will be held on: Day: Sunday Batu Raden Street No. 110 Is a happiness for us if you can come and give your prayer to us. |
4. Parents Meeting
Parents Meeting |
AL-HIKMAH FOUNDATION YAA BUNAYYA KINDERGARTEN Street Mubeng Alun-alun No. 15, Buah Segar Exo. Sawojajar Bangkalan, Sumatera 67648, Telp. 0351-837306 Bangkalan, April 20th 2020 Subject : Invitation to
Farewell and Friendship Dear
: Parents / Guardians From: In place Assalamualaikum Wr.
Wb. We pray for the
father/mother and family in a healthy condition and for the protection of
Allah SWT Aamiin. We hereby convey this, in connection with the “Graduation
and Farewell Graduation” event Al-Hikmah Foundation. So we hereby invite
parents/guardians of students to be present at the event which will be held
on: Day/Date :
Sunday/May 19, 2020 Time
: 09.00 – end Place
: Al-Hikmah Foundation Hall Thus we submit this
notice, so that father/mother can attend the event, thank you for your
attention and cooperation. Wassalamualaikum
Wr. Wb. Knowing the implementing committee Farewell/graduation Al-Hikmah Foundation
Ketua Panitia
Sekretaris (Makmur Barokah,
(Alya Emha, Spd.) Knowing,Al-Hikmah Foundation’s President (Drs. Hamka Hamzah, M. M. pd.) |
5. English Debate Invitation
English Debate Invitation |
Jakarta, November 2nd 2020 To: Members of
English Club In the framework of
national education day.We would like to invite you to take part in the
English debate, this event will be held on: Day/Date
: Friday/November 24th 2020 Time
: 09.00 – End Place
: School Hall Thus this
invitation letter is made, for your attention and cooperation, we say thank
you. Chairman of English
Club Dewi Anggun Asmara |
Alga Randy Pratama
BalasHapus11 IPA 1
Dewi Nurhaliza
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Nina Rendika Maharani
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Yunitri Utami
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Rahma Anisa
BalasHapusXI Ipa 1
M. Raffi Evendi
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Resa gifia maulina
BalasHapusXI ipa 1
Ula Azizah fadiyah
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Feni fadila
BalasHapusXi IPA 1
Indah Mutia Sari
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Muhammad jandiko
BalasHapusXI ipa 1