Guru       : Tri Handayani, S.Pd

Mapel      : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas        : X IPS 2

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good morning class, how are you this morning? I hope you are all in a good condition and ready to start your activity today. It would be better for you to start your day with Dhuha to get barakah and karomah from Allah swt.

Today we're still talking about "Expressing intention",  So please check the material on this video👇

For students in the second session, please make sentences using the would like to and going to patterns. Negative and Interrogative sentences. Untuk siswa yang ada pada sesi kedua silahkan untuk membuat kalimat Future tense dengan pola Would like to dan Going to, sebanyak 10 kalimat. And submit it next week. Kumpulkan minggu depan


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