Guru : Tri Handayani, S.Pd
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI IPA 3 & IPA 5
Materi : Explanation Text (2nd Meeting)
Kompetensi Dasar :
(3.8) Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks explanation lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di kelas XI, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Diharapkan peserta didik mampu memahami teks explanation
1. Simak kembali materi pembelajaran yang diberikan
2. Presensi hari ini dilakukan di kolom komentar Blogger dengan menjawab pertanyaan di bawah (AVOID COPAS)
Assalamualaikum wr.wr
How are you my lovely students? I hope you are all in good condition wherever you are, aaminn ya Rabbal alamin.
Before you even start your activity today, tak bosan Miss Tri seperti biasa mengingatkan kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid. Jangan lupa berdoa pula sebelum memulai pembelajaran hari ini agar diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran. And keep spirit to follow and participate in online class 😊
Today we will continue our next material and it's about Explanation Text. Silahkan simak penjelasan materi di bawah ini
Explanation Text is a text that is used to explain the way (process) something happens, especially those related to natural phenomena, the scientific world or the socio-cultural world. The goal is to tell the reader or listener how something happened. An explanation text usually comes from the author's question regarding "why" and "how" to an existing phenomenon.
Explanation Text adalah teks yang digunakan untuk menerangkan cara (proses) sesuatu terjadi, terutama yang berkaitan dengan fenomena alam, dunia ilmiah atau sosial budaya. Tujuan nya untuk memberitahu kepada pembaca atau pendengar bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi. Sebuah Explanation text biasanya berasal dari pertanyaan penulis terkait ‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap suatu fenomena yang ada.
Meskipun Explanation Text cukup mirip dengan Procedure Text, tapi kamu tetap bisa membedakannya. Tidak serupa dengan Procedural Text yang lebih memberikan kamu petunjuk untuk melakukan sesuatu secara step by step, Explanation Text akan lebih menjelaskan kenapa dan bagaimana sesuatu dapat terjadi.
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
📌Contoh Procedure Text: How to Make Delicious Vegetable Dishes (Cara membuat olahan sayur yang lezat)
📌Contoh Explanation Text: Why Vegetable Is Important for Our Health (Mengapa sayuran penting bagi kesehatan kita)
Example of Explanation Text
How does Rain Fall?
Rain is one of the main sources of fresh water for almost all people in the world. It provides suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems. It is also used as hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation. But, do you know how rain happens?
The rain’s phenomenon is actually what we often call as “water circle.” The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate. Then the water vapor rises into the Earth’s atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow bigger and heavier and fall to the earth as precipitation.
However, not all rain can reach the surface of the earth. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is what we call as “Virga”, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.
Today’s Assignment
A. Watch the Video on the Link below:
B. Answer the Following Question
1. Write down 5 words you hear from the video then find out the meaning?
2. Does rain include in Natural or Social Phenomenon?
3. Give at least 3 example of Natural Phenomenon?
C. Write Your Answer on the Comment Column
Name:Darma Putra Aditama
BalasHapusClass:XI science 3
1.- Evaporation:
When the sun heats up the rivers, lake, and oceans, water becomes water vapour and it rises up in the air
when water gets heated, it Will reaches up in the sky, it turns into tiny droplets of water,these water droplets along with various gases and dust particles, come together to form clouds
When the cloud becomes too heavy and it cannot hold any more water inside, it bursts open to give out
Rain, hail, or snow
Plants are sweat, thats why it rains more in places with more trees
snow directly turns into water vapour without melting into water
2. It's natural phenomenon
-volcano eruption
Rakha kumara zaki XI IPA 3
BalasHapus1. Vapour= uap
•tiny droplets= tetesan kecil/mungil
•Lid= tutup/ penutup
•Bursts open= menyembur/semburan terbuka
•hail= hujan es
2. The rain include in natural phenomenon
3. The tsunami, volcano eruption, and Global warming
Popy Kurnia
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. a. Evaporation ( Penguapan )
When the sun heats up the rivers, lake, and oceans, water becomes water vapour and it rises up in the air
b. Condensation (Pengembunan)
when water gets heated, it Will reaches up in the sky, it turns into tiny droplets of water,these water droplets along with various gases and dust particles, come together to form clouds
c. Precipitation ( Pengendapan )
When the cloud becomes too heavy and it cannot hold any more water inside, it bursts open to give out
Rain, hail, or snow
d. Transpiration (Transpirasi)
Plants are sweat, thats why it rains more in places with more trees
e. Sublimation ( Sublimasi )
sometimes snow directly turns into water vapour without melting into water
2. It's natural phenomenon
3. a. rainbow (pelangi)
b. lunar eclipse (gerhana bulan)
c. lightning (petir)
d. weather (cuaca)
e. landslide (tanah longsor)
f. rain (hujan)
g. tornado (angin puting beliung)
h. volcano eruption (gunung meletus)
i. solar eclipse (gerhana matahari)
j. earthquake (gempa)
k. Tsunami
Vanesha Saraswati
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. - raining (hujan)
- water vapour ( uap air)
- water droplets (tetesan air)
- various gases( berbagai gas)
- lakes(danau)
2. rain is a natural phenomenon (hujan termasuk fenomena alam)
3. - wild forest fire (kebakaran hutan secara liar)
- earthquake (gempa bumi)
- flood (banjir)
Shinthia Wulandari
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. Answer:
2. Natural phenomenon
3. Answer:
M Rezky Adytama
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. Vapour : uap
Droplets : tetesan
Vessel : bejana
Hail : hujan es
Soil : Tanah
2. Rain is a natural phenomenon
3. Aurora
Rainbow (pelangi)
Solar elipse (gerhana matahari)
Lunar elipse (gerhana bulan)
Avia Agnis Rini
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1)♡Evaporation =Penguapan
♡ Transpiration=Pengeluaran
2)Natural phenomenon
3)Volcano eruption,tsunami,and tornado.
Rahmalia Putri
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. • evaporation = penguapan
• condensation =kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
1. volcanic eruptions
2. landslide
3. lunar eclipse
Nur Aini Ari Ongkana
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. - raining (hujan)
- water vapour ( uap air)
- water droplets (tetesan air)
- various gases( berbagai gas)
- lakes(danau)
2. rain is a natural phenomenon (hujan termasuk fenomena alam)
3. - wild forest fire (kebakaran hutan secara liar)
- earthquake (gempa bumi)
- flood (banjir)
Nabila Miyaty Wulandary
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. Write down 5 words you hear from the video then find out the meaning?
- evaporation: penguapan, water in rivers, lakes and seas will evaporate with the help of sunlight.
- condensation: kondensasi/pengembunan, water vapor turned into clouds.
- precipitation: pengendapan/presipitasi, rain that falls from the atmosphere to the earth's surface in the form of water droplets or snow.
- transpiration: transpirasi, evaporation process from plants.
- sublimation: sublimasi, evaporation process that occurs on ice without going through the melting process.
2. Does rain include in Natural or Social Phenomenon?
- yes, rain is a natural phenomenon.
3. Give at least 3 example of Natural Phenomenon?
- earthquake (gempa bumi)
- volcano eruption (gunung meletus)
- flood (banjir)
- tsunami
- landslide (tanah longsor)
Riko Fernando
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. • evaporation = penguapan
• condensation =kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
1. volcanic eruptions
2. landslide
3. lunar eclipse
M.Hafizh Risqullah
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. • evaporation = penguapan
• condensation =kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2. the rain is included in natural phenomenon
3. volcano eruption, global warming, earthquake
Muhammad Evan
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1) •Heated : memanaskan
•Heavy : padat
•Various : berbagai
•Melting : mencair
•Soil : tanah
2) Rain include in natural phenomenon
3) •earthquike
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusIntan Permata Sari
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1.-Water droplets(tetesan air)
-Lakes (sungai)
-snow (salju)
-hail (hujan es)
-the rivers (sungai)
2. It's natural phenomenon
3.-lightning (petir)
-landslide (tanah longsor)
-tornado (angin puting beliung)
Shela Safrina
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. • evaporation = penguapan
• condensation =kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
1. volcanic eruptions
2. landslide
3. lunar eclipse
Anjelina Prila
BalasHapus11 IPA 3
1.• evaporation = penguapan
• condensation =kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2.rain is natural phenomenon
3.•rain (hujan)
•volcano eruption (letusan gunung berapi)
•earthquake (gempa bumi)
•tornado (angin topan)
reza febriana
BalasHapus11 ipa 3
1.evaporation = penguapan
condensation =kondensasi
precipitation = curah hujan
transpiration = transpirasi
sublimation = sublimasi
2.natural phenomenon
3.tornado=puting beliung
vulcano eruption=gunung meletus
Tharissa Nadia K
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. - raining (hujan)
- water vapour ( uap air)
- water droplets (tetesan air)
- various gases( berbagai gas)
- lakes(danau)
2. rain is a natural phenomenon (hujan termasuk fenomena alam)
3. - wild forest fire (kebakaran hutan secara liar)
- earthquake (gempa bumi)
- flood (banjir)
Indra bangsawan
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1.- Evaporation:
When the sun heats up the rivers, lake, and oceans, water becomes water vapour and it rises up in the air
when water gets heated, it Will reaches up in the sky, it turns into tiny droplets of water,these water droplets along with various gases and dust particles, come together to form clouds
When the cloud becomes too heavy and it cannot hold any more water inside, it bursts open to give out
Rain, hail, or snow
Plants are sweat, thats why it rains more in places with more trees
snow directly turns into water vapour without melting into water
2. It's natural phenomenon
-volcano eruption
Nur fajri vanza javier
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. • evaporation = penguapan
• condensation =kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
1. volcanic eruptions
2. landslide
3. lunar eclipse
Fadhiah Nurul Aini
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1.) Reaches : mencapai
Lid: tutup/ penutup
heats: memanaskan
Lakes: danau
Hail: hujan es
2.) Natural phenomenon
3.) earthquake, landslide, Hurricane
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusDhea Amanda Putri
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. -Ocean (lautan)
-Plant (tanaman)
-Dust particles (partikel debu)
-Hail (hujan es)
-Snow (salju)
2. Rain is a natural phenomenon
3. Tornadoes, erosion, earthquake, volcano eruption, rainbow.
Aditya Gumai
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1.- Cloud= Awan
- Rain = Hujan
- Lakes= Danau
- Rivers = Sungai
- Forest = Hutan
2.The rain is a natural phenomenon
3.- Tornado
- Tsunami
- Rainbow
Alyra Ayu Kinanti
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. • Evaporation => Penguapan
• Condensation => Kondensasi
• Precipitation => Curah hujan
• Transpiration => Transpirasi
• Sublimation => Sublimasi
2. Rain is a natural phenomenon
3. Rainbow, Tsunami, Rain,Tornado,Flood
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1.- Evaporation:
When the sun heats up the rivers, lake, and oceans, water becomes water vapour and it rises up in the air
when water gets heated, it Will reaches up in the sky, it turns into tiny droplets of water,these water droplets along with various gases and dust particles, come together to form clouds
When the cloud becomes too heavy and it cannot hold any more water inside, it bursts open to give out
Rain, hail, or snow
Plants are sweat, thats why it rains more in places with more trees
snow directly turns into water vapour without melting into water
2. It's natural phenomenon
-volcano eruption
Vinna Vebriyanti
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. •Evaporation ( Penguapan )
When the sun heats up the rivers, lake, and oceans, water becomes water vapour and it rises up in the air
• Condensation (Pengembunan)
when water gets heated, it Will reaches up in the sky, it turns into tiny droplets of water,these water droplets along with various gases and dust particles, come together to form clouds
•. Precipitation ( Pengendapan )
When the cloud becomes too heavy and it cannot hold any more water inside, it bursts open to give out
Rain, hail, or snow
•Transpiration (Transpirasi)
Plants are sweat, thats why it rains more in places with more trees
• Sublimation ( Sublimasi )
sometimes snow directly turns into water vapour without melting into water
2. It's natural phenomenon
3. a.lightning (petir)
b.weather (cuaca)
c.landslide (tanah longsor)
d.rain (hujan)
Gusjiyanti Aries Tiano
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. - raining (hujan)
- water vapour ( uap air)
- water droplets (tetesan air)
- various gases( berbagai gas)
- lakes(danau)
2. rain is a natural phenomenon (hujan termasuk fenomena alam)
3. - wild forest fire (kebakaran hutan secara liar)
- earthquake (gempa bumi)
- flood (banjir)
- volcano eruption (gunung meletus)
- tsunami
- landslide (tanah longsor)
Cece tiara safitri
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
○evaporation = penguapan
○condensation =kondensasi
○precipitation = curah hujan
○transpiration = transpirasi
○sublimation = sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
○ landslide (tanah longsor)
○ vulcano eruption=gunung meletus
○ earthquake (gempa bumi)
Nadila rakha
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. • evaporation = penguapan
• condensation =kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
1. volcanic eruptions
2. landslide
3. lunar eclipse
Oky Nurhidayat
BalasHapusXI ipa 5
1. Vapour= uap
•tiny droplets= tetesan kecil/mungil
•Lid= tutup/ penutup
•Bursts open= menyembur/semburan terbuka
•hail= hujan es
2. The rain include in natural phenomenon
3. The tsunami, volcano eruption, and Global warming
hadi cahyono
BalasHapus11 ipa 5
1. Vapour= uap
•tiny droplets= tetesan kecil/mungil
•Lid= tutup/ penutup
•Bursts open= menyembur/semburan terbuka
•hail= hujan es
2. The rain include in natural phenomenon
3. The tsunami, volcano eruption, and Global warming
Dzahabiya Wijaya
BalasHapus11 IPA 5
- evaporation > penguapan
- condensation > kondensasi
- precipitation > curah hujan
- transpiration > transpirasi
- sublimation > sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
1. volcanic eruptions
2. landslide
3. lunar eclipse
irma rahmanah
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. a. Evaporation ( Penguapan )
When the sun heats up the rivers, lake, and oceans, water becomes water vapour and it rises up in the air
b. Condensation (Pengembunan)
when water gets heated, it Will reaches up in the sky, it turns into tiny droplets of water,these water droplets along with various gases and dust particles, come together to form clouds
c. Precipitation ( Pengendapan )
When the cloud becomes too heavy and it cannot hold any more water inside, it bursts open to give out
Rain, hail, or snow
d. Transpiration (Transpirasi)
Plants are sweat, thats why it rains more in places with more trees
e. Sublimation ( Sublimasi )
sometimes snow directly turns into water vapour without melting into water
2. It's natural phenomenon
3. a. rainbow (pelangi)
b. lunar eclipse (gerhana bulan)
c. lightning (petir)
d. weather (cuaca)
e. landslide (tanah longsor)
f. rain (hujan)
g. tornado (angin puting beliung)
h. volcano eruption (gunung meletus)
i. solar eclipse (gerhana matahari)
j. earthquake (gempa)
k. Tsunami
Trya Rahma Dani
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. Write down 5 words you hear from the video then find out the meaning?
• evaporation: penguapan,
• condensation: kondensasi/pengembunan
• precipitation: pengendapan/presipitasi
• transpiration: transpirasi
• sublimation: sublimasi
2. Does rain include in Natural or Social Phenomenon?
• yes, rain is a natural phenomenon.
3. Give at least 3 example of Natural Phenomenon?
• earthquake (gempa bumi)
• volcano eruption (gunung meletus)
• flood (banjir)
• tsunami
• landslide (tanah longsor)
Novin sabrina
BalasHapusXi ipa 5
1. • evaporation = penguapan
• condensation = kondensasi
• precipitation = curah hujan
• transpiration = transpirasi
• sublimation = sublimasi
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. examples of natural phenomena:
• volcanic eruptions
• landslide
• lunar eclipse
Ananda jahrotun nakia
BalasHapusXl IPA 5
1. rain: rujan
Sun: matahari
water: air
evaporation: penguapan
clouds: awan
2. Rain is a natural phenomenon
3. rainbow (pelangi)
lunar eclipse (gerhana bulan)
lightning (petir)
weather (cuaca)
landslide (tanah longsor)
rain (hujan)
tornado (angin puting beliung)
volcano eruption (gunung meletus)
solar eclipse (gerhana matahari)
earthquake (gempa)
M. Fajri
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. evaporation -> penguapan
Conversation -> kondensasi atau
Precipitation -> pengendapan
Transpiration-> transpirasi atau
hilang nya uap air dari daun
Sublimation -> sublimasi
2. Rain is a natural phenomenon.
3. Vulcan eruptions
Laura Zahara Aulia
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1) - Evaporation/penguapan: water in rivers, lakes and seas will evaporate with the help of sunlight.
- Condensation/pengembunan: water vapor turned into clouds.
- Precipitation/pengendapan: rain that falls from the atmosphere to the earth's surface in the form of water droplets or snow.
- Transpiration/transpirasi: evaporation process from plants.
- Sublimation/sublimasi: evaporation process that occurs on ice without going through the melting process.
2) It's natural phenomenon
3)• Flood
• Volcano eruption
• Tsunami
• Wild forest fire
Rizka Octari
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. Rain (hujan), how (bagaimana), when (ketika), Water (air), Clouds (awan), Sun (matahari) River (sungai), Ocean (lautan/samudra), Air (Udara), Sky (langit).
2. Natural phenomenon
3. Tsunami, volcano eruption, earthquake
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1.•Water cycle: siklus air
•Rivers: sungai
•Water droplets: tetesan air
•Hail: hujan es
•Snow: salju
2.natural phenomenon
3.fog, thunder, tornadoes
Sukma arimaya aintias
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1.) - Raining: hujan
- Evaporation: penguapan
- Condensation: konsensasi
- Precipitation: pengendapan
- Sublimation: sublimasi
2.) Natural phenomena
3.)- earthquake
- aurora
- thunder
Zalsa Riski
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. • Evaporation ( Penguapan)
• Condensation ( Kondensasi)
• Precipitation (Curah hujan)
• Transpiration ( Transpirasi)
• Sublimation (Sublimasi)
2. Rain is a natural phenomenon
3. Rainbow, Tsunami, Rain,Tornado,Flood
Arif Rahman Hakim
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. Forest : Hutan
Ocean : Lautan
Water Droplet : Tetesan Air
Dust particle : Partikal Debu
Rain : Hujan
2. Rain is natural phenomenon
3. - Earthquake
- Tsunami
- Typhoon
BalasHapusXI ipa 5
1.) Reaches =mencapai
Lid)=tutup/ penutup
Lakes= danau
Hail= hujan es
2.) Natural phenomenon
3.) - earthquake
- landslide
- Hurricane
Firmansyah abdul aziz
BalasHapusXI IPA 3
1. Vapour= uap
•tiny droplets= tetesan kecil/mungil
•Lid= tutup/ penutup
•Bursts open= menyembur/semburan terbuka
•hail= hujan es
2. The rain include in natural phenomenon
3. The tsunami, volcano eruption, and Global warming
nabila adzra nafisa
BalasHapusxi ipa 5
1. - evaporation (penguapan)
- condensation (kondensasi)
- precipitation (curah hujan)
- transpiration (transpirasi)
- sublimation (sublimasi)
2. rain is a natural phenomenon
3. - volcanic eruptions
- landslide
- floor
- tsunami
- tornado
- lunar eclipse
Akbar bachtiar
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1.- Cloud= Awan
- Rain = Hujan
- Lakes= Danau
- Rivers = Sungai
- Forest = Hutan
2.The rain is a natural phenomenon
3.- Tornado
- Tsunami
- Rainbow
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAfifah Nurintishar
BalasHapusXI IPA 5
1. Evaporation : penguapan
Raining : hujan
Water droplet : tetesan air
Leaks : Kebocoran
Precipitation : Pengendapan
2. The rain is a natural phenomenon
3. Rainbow
Volcanic eruptions