Guru        : Tri Handayani, S.Pd

Mapel      : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas        : XI IPA 1 & XI IPA 4

Materi      : Procedure Text (3rd Meeting)

Kompetensi Dasar    

(3.8) Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dan konteks pegunaannya.

Tujuan Pembelajaran  : Diharapkan peserta didik mampu memahami beberapa jenis contoh Procedure Text

1. Simak kembali video pembelajaran  yang diberikan

2. Presensi dilakukan di kolom komentar Blogger

3. Ikuti kegiatan interaktif tanya jawab di grup WhatsApp

Assalamualaikum wr.wr

How are you my lovely students? I hope you are all in good condition as always, aaminn ya Rabbal alamin. 

Well, are you ready to study English today? Say yes I am. But before that, tak bosan Miss Tri seperti biasa mengingatkan kepada kita semua agar senantiasa menunaikan ibadah baik fardhu maupun sunnahnya, dan bagi laki-laki tunaikanlah shalat di masjid ya nak. Jangan lupa berdoa pula sebelum memulai pembelajaran hari ini agar diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran. And keep spirit to follow and participate in online class.

Hari ini kalian akan diberikan beberapa contoh Procedure Text. Namun sebelum itu, agar tidak lupa silahkan pelajari kembali materi melalui video pembelajaran di bawah ini dengan seksama, kemudian kita akan adakan sesi tanya jawab di Grup WhatsApp Kelas kalian.

Happy watching😊


How to Use Camera

You need :
A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others camera that you have)
The object (find something that interesting to you like animals, buildings or the others)

Steps :
1. Handle the camera and turn on it
2. Centre the object in the LCD and manage the zoom control until you get the best view
3. When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations.  
4. Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go. 
5. After that, press shutter all the way down. 

How to Operate TV

Instructions :
1. plug the cable television into electricity
2. After that, press the power button to turn on the television
3. Wait until the television show the picture
4. Choose the channel that you want to watch use the button or the remote. 
5. Set the volume use the remote or button volume
6. Last, if you want to turn off the television you can use the power button

How to Make Milk Tea

1 cup water 
1 teaspoon of your favorite tea leaves 
3/4 cup milk 
Sweetener of your choice 

Small strainer 
Large tea mug 
Small pot 
Tea infuser

1. Bring 1 cup of water to boil in a small pot. 
2. Put 1 teaspoon of your favorite tea leaves in a tea diffuser, snap the diffuser shut and put the diffuser in the boiling water. 
3. Brew the tea for 2-5 minutes
4. Remove the tea diffuser. 
5. Add 3/4 cup of milk to the tea. 
6. Return the tea to a boil and remove it immediately to prevent scalding the milk.
7.  Hold a small strainer over a large mug and strain the tea into the mug.
8.  Add the sweetener


  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Novaldo Fikas Harmaengga
    XI IPA 1

    XI IPA 4

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. Muhammad Zhafir Al Kamil
    XI IPA 4


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