Guru : Tri Handayani, S.Pd
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : X IPS 1
Materi : Expressing Compliment
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Diharapkan siswa dapat memahami cara dalam meminta dan merespon Ungkapan Pujian
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning and how are you today excellent class? I hope you are doing great and ready to start your activity today. It would be better for you to start your day with Dhuha and Murajaah first to get barakah and karomah from Allah swt.
Well today we will learn our new material on how give and ask Compliment to others. Hari ini kita akan memasuki materi selanjutnya mengenai "Expressing Compliment". Memberikan Pujian. So make sure to follow the class well and watch the video for our material today.
I am sure you can follow the learning activity well. And please be active student because I will give score for those who active in following the learning activity. (Miss yakin kalian bisa mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran dengan baik, dan jadilah siswa yang aktif karena akan ada nilai keaktifan untuk kalian)
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