Guru                                      : Tri Handayani, S.Pd.

Mapel                                     : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas                                      : XI IPA  4

Materi                                    : Asking and Giving Suggestion

Tujuan Pembelajaran          Siswa diharapkan dapat memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dalam meminta dan merespon saran

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Hello, excellent class.

Good morning and how is life? I hope you are doing great and get ready to start your activity today. It would be better for you to start your day with Dhuha and Murajaah first.

Well dear students, today we will continue our previous material about “Asking and Giving Suggestion”. In this meeting, we will talk about “The Pattern of Making Suggestion”.

Please follow the following instructions for our learning activities today..!!

(ikuti petunjuk berikut untuk kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini)

1.      1. As the presence today, write your name and class on Blogger comment column.

     (untuk daftar hadir hari ini, silahkan tulis nama dan kelas di kolom komentar blogger)


2.      2. Please pay attention about material on the following power point…!!

           (Simak materi dalam power point berikut)


3.     3.  For the evaluation (untuk evaluasinya). Please do this task (silahkan, kerjakan tugas ini):

-          Read the texts  on page 11 (NUMBER 1 & 2)  at your English textbook

(Baca teks pada halaman 11 (no.1 dan 2) di buku paket Bahasa Inggris kalian)

-          Do the activity 14 on page 12 at your English textbook

(kerjakan tugas 14 pada halaman  12 di buku paket Bahasa Inggris kalian)

-          Write the activity 13 – 14 on your workbook.

(tulis activity 13 – 14 di buku tugas kalian)

-          Send it to WA Group/chat personal to Miss

(kirim tugas ke grup Whatsapp atau japri ke Miss)

4.      4. We will do the interaction on WA Group

(Interaksi akan dilakukan di WA Grup)

I am sure you can follow the learning activity well. So, please be active student during learning process because I will give score for those who active. 

(Miss yakin kalian bisa mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran dengan baik. Maka, jadilah siswa yang aktif selama prosess pembelajaran karena miss akan memberi nilai keaktifan kalian.)


Keep up the good work in participating the online learning!

Thank you and see you next meeting


Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.





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