Kelas : XI IPA 3 (Jam Ke 7&8)
XI IPA 4 (Jam Ke 5 & 6)
Assalamualaikum Shalih dan Shalihah, apa kabar hari ini? Semoga senantiasa dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat dan selalu semangat mengikuti pembelajaran.
Sebelum melanjutkan ke materi, kita akan membahas soal PTS yang telah kalian kerjakan pada minggu sebelumnya. Untuk itu silahkan simak soal dan penjelasan nya berikut ini
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Have a nice day my Excellent Students😊
Latif : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver license.
Andy : Don’t be so sad, Latif. Let us search it around the park.
Latif : I have looked for it for hours, but I could not find it. Do you have any suggestion?
Andy : You should tell the security to announce it to other students.
Latif : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.
1. Which sentence that shows asking suggestion?
a. Don’t be so sad, my friend.
b. I have just lost my driver license.
c. You should tell the security.
d. Do you have any suggestion?
e. That sounds good.
(Jawaban : D)
Kalimat yang menunjukkan ungkapan meminta saran ialah “Do you have any suggestion?”
2. Below are sentences of asking suggestion, except….
a. What should I do?
b. What will you do?
c. Do you have any suggestion for me?
d. Would you mind giving me your suggestion?
e. Can you tell me what I should do?
(Jawaban : B)
Perhatikan kata “except” pada akhir soal, itu artinya yang ditanya yang bukan ungkapan meminta saran. Jadi jawabannya adalah “What will you do?”karena artinya: apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
3. What is Latif’s problem?
a. He lost his bag.
b. He lost his wallet.
c. He lost his car.
d. He lost his driver license.
e. He lost his pencil.
(Jawaban : D)
Bisa dilihat pada baris pertama pada dialog
Mother : Jihan, wake up, my dear. It’s Monday morning.
Jihan : I woke up already, Mom.
Mother: Don’t you go to school?
Jihan : Mom. I got a terrible headache.
Mother: Let me check. You got a high temperature. You should stay at home.
Jihan : Okay, Mom.
4. From dialog above, which sentence that shows giving suggestion?
a. Let me check.
b. I have got a headache.
c. Don’t you go to school?
d. You should stay at home.
e. It’s Monday morning.
(Jawaban : D)
5. Andy is working on his homework, but he finds some difficult questions. What will you suggest him?
a. I think you should stop studying.
b. Maybe you can sleep now.
c. What if you drink fresh water?
d. I suggest you to go to your friend's house to study together.
e. What about to make a new question.
(Jawaban : D)
Saran (suggestion) yang tepat yang bisa diberikan untuk situasi diatas adalah I suggest you to go to your friend's house to study together.
Doctor : ...................... smoking if you don't want to get sick.
Patient : Yes Doc, I will try my best.
6. What is the best expression to fill the blank?
a. Do you want to stop
b. You should stop
c. How is your condition if you stop
d. Maybe you can stop
e. I suggest you to stop driving a car
(Jawaban : B)
Saran yang tepat untuk mengisi titik titik diatas adalah “You should stop” kamu harus berhenti merokok….
Bonita : There is something on my eyes, it’s really hurt and I can’t see clearly......................?
Diana : Ooh poor you. You should go to the doctor
7. What is the best expression to fill the blank?
a. What should I do?
b. You should go now
c. What do you think about my eyes?
d. I don’t know what to do
e. I suggest you to clean your eyes
(Jawaban : A)
Ungkapan yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah “What should I do?” karena Bonita meminta saran untuk kondisi yang sedang dirasakan.
8. Complete the dialog below
Elsa : It’s really boring Sunday. Everything is really boring.
Bunga : Hey, …………………. It will be fun.
Elsa : Yes, that’s a fun outdoor activity. Let’s do that.
a. Let’s go to cinema
b. Let’s go to mall
c. Let’s go to museum
d. Let’s play chess
e. Let’s swim on the river
(Jawaban : E)
Perhatikan kata “outdoor” pada dialog terakhir. Jadi aktifitas yang bisa dilakukan diluar/ outdoor adalah swim on the river
9. The following expression is used to ask for someone’s suggestion, except……
a. What is your opinion?
b. Do you have any suggestion?
c. What should I do?
d. What is your advice?
e. What do you suggest?
(Jawaban : A)
Perhatikan kata “except”, jadi yang ditanyakan adalah yang bukan ungkapan meminta saran
10. An expression which can use to suggest or to give an advice to someone is definition of…..
a. Opinion
b. Invitation
c. Suggestion
d. Compliment
e. Congratulating
(Jawaban : C)
focus pada kata “SUGGEST”
Will : What do you think about Lampung?
Lisa : In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city. There are so many beautiful beaches there. Lampung is also famous with its Tapis or Songket. It is traditional cloth in Lampung.
Will : How about the food? Do you think it is delicious?
Lisa : I think…. Yes! Do you know Seruit? It’s delicious.
Will : Yes I know Seruit. By the way…. Which one is more delicious? Seruit or satay of mushroom?
Lisa : According to me, Seruit is more delicious than sate of mushroom.
Will : I don’t think so. I think satay of mushroom is more delicious than Seruit because sate of mushroom is my favourite food.
Lisa : So we have different favourite foods then.
Will : I think so.
11. What is the name of the region discussed between Will and Lisa?
a. Lampung
b. Semarang
c. Jakarta
d. Surabaya
e. Denpasar
(Jawaban : A)
12. What does Lisa think about Lampung?
a. It is a beautiful city.
b. It is the bad city.
c. It is a city full of peaceful.
d. It is a big city.
e. It is a small city.
(Jawaban : A)
Dialog baris ke 2
13. What kind of food liked by Lisa according to the dialogue above?
a. Seruit.
b. Mushroom satay.
c. Soup.
d. Pizza.
e. Burger.
(Jawaban : A)
14. What is Songket?
a. Traditional dance from Lampung.
b. Traditional clothes from Lampung.
c. Traditional food from Lampung.
d. Traditional average from Lampung.
e. Traditional ritual from Lampung.
(Jawaban : B)
Dialog baris ke 3
15. “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city”
The sentence above is one of the expressions of ….
a. Asking opinion
b. Giving opinion
c. Agreement
d. Disagreement
e. Neutral position
(Jawaban : B)
Kalimat “in my opinion…” adalah ungkapan memberi pendapat
(1) Amir: What about telling human body?
(2) Andi: What should we present for the oral test next week?
(3) Amir: Good idea.
(4) Amir: Not a bad idea, but talking about animals is very ordinary. Many of our classmates have told about animals.
(5) Andi: How about something about animal?
16. Arrange the jumble sentence above into a good dialogue!
a. (1)-(3)-(2)-(4)-(5)
b. (1)-(3)-(2)-(5)-(4)
c. (2)-(3)-(4)-(1)-(5)
d. (2)-(5)-(1)-(4)-(3)
e. (2)-(5)-(4)-(1)-(3)
(Jawaban : E)
Bela : Steve, what seems to be the problem?
Steve : Well, I have a bad cold and the doctor gave me some medicine.
Bela : Listen! Forget about the medicines. Try this herbal one.
Steve : Oh, no, thanks.
17. What does Bela offer?
a. Herbal medicine.
b. Some medicine.
c. Fresh herbal.
d. Cool drink.
e. The doctor.
(Jawaban : A)
Dialog baris ke 3
Oh, no, thanks.
18. The underline sentence is kind of expression to express….
a. Giving for opinion
b. Asking for opinion
c. Disagreeing an opinion
d. Agreeing an opinion
e. Disagreeing suggestion
(Jawaban : E)
Libra : Why don’t you take the bus to work? The driving is rushing out and the traffic is terrible.
Johan : I would, but I’m afraid that there won’t be any seats left for the time the bus comes to my stop.
19. Why does Johan not want to go by bus?
a. Johan takes the bus to work.
b. Johan wants Libra to go with him.
c. Libra prefers driving in the rush hour.
d. Libra wants to ride to work with Johan.
e. Johan has to stand on the bus if he takes it to work.
(Jawaban : E)
Kalimat there won’t be any seats left dapat diartikan bahwa Johan harus berdiri karena tidak ada kursi lagi tersisa
Andi : We went to Bandung yesterday. We spent our time shopping.
Denny : So, what do you think about Bandung?
Andi : …………………
20. What is the best respond to response Andi’s question?
a. I think it is beautiful.
b. I think Bandung Is a beautiful city.
c. I think it is beautiful view.
d. I think it is not interesting.
e. I think Lampung is not bad.
(Jawaban : B)
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